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It was through the coaching of Denise and Gary that God blew breath and clarity into my ministry. God has truly gifted them with the kind of spiritual discernment that breeds transformation, reformation and a reclamation of joy in one’s work. Together they have had the greatest influence on my personal and professional life.

W. B. – Youth Pastor

What Are the Marks of Elder Maturity?

Preparing for Your Sabbatical

Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Deception: Seminar Notes

3 Questions for Those Who Feel Spiritually “Stuck”

3 Things That Kill Love

3 Questions for Those Whose Marriage is “Out of Tune”

3 Lessons Learned from 85 Years of Singleness

3 Questions That Self-Aware Leaders Ask Their Followers

3 Questions for Those on the Brink of Burnout

5 Ways to Avoid Shipwreck in the Ministry

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